In registering to the Envolve website and Envolve Apps platform, users are accepting the following terms and conditions.


In the following terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”), the following definitions shall apply:

  • “User” shall mean anyone who registers in the Envolve Apps platform.
  •  “Applicant” shall mean any member of the Principal Team or company or the other entering either the Envolve Award U.S.A. or Envolve Award Greece programs.
  • “Principal Team” shall mean the individual/s listed in the application form for any Envolve Award Program.
  • “Award Programs” shall mean the Envolve Award U.S.A. and Envolve Award Greece programs.
  • “Resources” shall mean the Envolve Resources and tools, consisting of the Business Plan Generator, the Entrepreneurs Toolkit and Survival Kit.
  • “Education” shall mean Envolve educational material including business terminology, Good Reads, Speakers Series, seminars, webinars and other events with educational purpose.
  •  “Entrepreneurship Award Corp.” shall mean all of Libra Group’s entrepreneurship programs including Envolve and its Award Programs.
  •  “Libra Group” shall mean Libra Holdings Limited and each of its subsidiary companies.
  •  “Funding Entity” shall mean the company (within the Libra Group) nominated to act as the provider of funding to successful applicants of the Award Programs.


Envolve is a not-for-profit entrepreneurship organization that strives for a global society where all business owners can prosper and grow, helping diverse communities access resources, advice and support services to pursue their business dreams. Envolve is managed and funded by “Entrepreneurship Award Corp.” (d/b/a Envolve), a Delaware 501(c)(3) organization. Envolve is structured around three pillars: Education, Resources and Awards. Specifically, Envolve offers knowledge and tools through the Speakers Series, the Entrepreneur Toolkit and the Business Plan Generator. Envolve supports business ventures in U.S.A and Greece, offering the chance to entrepreneurs in these locations to compete for a share of interest-free funding, mentoring and business support services through its Award Programs.


Envolve provides free access to educational material including business and startup terminology under the page “Word of the Week” and useful information worth reading under the page “Good Reads”. The information shared is sourced from the global online community. Envolve does not claim ownership or collects funds for the distribution of information.
Soon, Envolve will launch more educational resources under “Speakers Series”, a collection of seminars, webinars and talks from professionals and industry leaders.

Εnvolve in Greece offers educational school presentations and organizes an annual school contest “The 1st Panhellenic Youth Entrepreneurship Contest focused on Sustainable Development”. Participation is free and has been approved by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs (protocol number: 109096/2020). Only professors/teachers are allowed to apply for the contest, representing a team of up to four (4) students. With the final application you agree with the T&C of the contest, while your personal information will be used only to contact you for the contest. We respect your privacy, while the business information included in your application, photographs or participants’ names will not be disclosed without your prior written consent. The contest is only open to schools in the Greek region and the language is Greek.


Envolve provides free access to featured tools and educational material for Envolve Users with key elements of business planning and business communication. Envolve Resources include the Entrepreneur Toolkit, the Business Plan Generator and Survival Kit. Envolve Resources are accessible through Envolve’s Website as well the Envolve Apps platform website: To access the Envolve Resources the User is required to register and create a free account in the secure online environment of the Envolve Apps platform.


The Entrepreneur Toolkit is a ready-to-use workshop toolkit which provides guidance for new and aspiring entrepreneurs who want to launch a business idea. The toolkit includes videos, presentations and educational material covering the basic steps to build a business that is credit-ready. The Entrepreneur Toolkit and its modules is a ready-to-use workshop, which a User can download and save to study offline.

The Entrepreneur Toolkit has been designed to be provided as a free resource to all Envolve Users. The scope of the toolkit is to extend its support to entrepreneurs globally. No certificate will be provided for this course, nor does it ensure a business skill acquisition.

There are no time restrictions to access the Entrepreneur Toolkit and its modules.

The Entrepreneur Toolkit will offer Users with valuable insights and directions for those who want to launch a business idea. However, it does not ensure the business venture’s success.

The Entrepreneur Toolkit will be available during Spring/Summer 2018 through the Envolve Apps platform:


The Business Plan Generator is an open and free tool which provides step-by-step guidance through the creation of a personal business plan. The Business Plan Generator is a secure platform where an Envolve User can work on a personal business plan over time and save their progress. The User can have access at any time to a Word and PDF file with the Envolve User’s full business plan.

There are no time restrictions to access the Business Plan Generator and the business plan documents.

The Business Plan Generator serves as a road map during an Envolve User’s first steps of their business venture. However, it does not ensure the business venture’s success.

The Business Plan Generator can be accessed through the Envolve Apps platform:


The Survival Kit was created in response to the COVID-19 pandemic extending our support to startups and SMEs who are in search of resources, tips and reading material for the survival of their business. 

The Survival Kit’s eight sections include useful links and descriptions which are sourced from the global online community. Envolve does not claim ownership or collects funds for the distribution of information.


Envolve provides monetary and in-kind support to businesses through the Envolve Awards Programs in the U.S.A. (aka Envolve Award U.S.A.) and in Greece (aka Envolve Award Greece). The Envolve Award Programs are seeking to provide start-up capital in the form of interest-free loans or grants, mentorship and business support services to the winning Applicants (winners) of the Envolve Award Programs competitions, pursuant to the rules and eligibility requirements, as well as other terms, conditions, and covenants set forth below. By submitting an application for Envolve Award Programs, each Envolve User and Envolve Award Applicant as well as his/her management team are agreeing to be legally bound to the Envolve Terms and Conditions and Envolve Award Programs Rules.


In order to apply and be eligible to participate in the Envolve Awards Programs, Applications submitted during the application submission period of the respective Envolve Award Program should follow the below eligibility requirements:

5.a.i. Application and Profile:

Envolve Award Applicants must create an account and complete an on-line application form on the Envolve Apps platform to enter the Envolve Award USA or the Envolve Award Greece competition (each, a “Competition”), during the respective Envolve Award application submission period. It is also required that the User will also fully complete their personal Profile in the Envolve Apps platform.

5.a.ii. Age:

All Envolve Award Applicants must be 18 years of age or older. Collaborating documentation establishing age eligibility may be required.

5.a.iii. Location:

The winning Applications must each operate or intend to operate in the following target communities (the “Target Communities”):

5.a.iii.1. Envolve Award U.S.A.:

– see for the participating states.

5.a.iii.2. For Envolve Award Greece:

– Greece

5.a.iv. Residency:

It is a requirement that over of the two thirds (2/3) of the Principal Team of the Envolve Award Applicant must be or intend to be normally resident in the Target Communities of the respective Envolve Award Program of their participation. Collaborating documentation establishing residence eligibility may be required.

5.a.v. Start Ups Only:

The business ideas or enterprise models presented by Envolve Award Applicants must still be in the start-up phase of development. Envolve Award Applicants must be either existing early-stage privately owned companies (or branches/subsidiaries of existing companies) duly formed and/or registered in the Targeted Community they are applying for [either in the abovementioned regions in the U.S.A. or in Greece] or individuals who intend to form and/or register a company in the respective Targeted Community to conduct the business of the venture that is the subject of the application.

The Envolve Award U.S.A. competition will not consider applications from operating businesses that have earned more than $100,000 in revenue in the year prior of the application or have been formed prior to January 1, 2013. Such companies are not eligible to enter the Competition. Excluded Applicants:

The Competition is open only to for-profit businesses. The following are not eligible to participate: non-profit organizations, investment vehicles that invest in the securities of other entities, gaming and gambling businesses, businesses that involve alcohol, tobacco, weapons and arms and/or adult entertainment, offshore entities, and established franchises. Furthermore, none of Envolve team members (the “Evaluation Team”), the judges of Envolve (the “Judges”), Libra Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries, Envolve’s partner organizations or any of their respective employees, officers, directors, agents and representatives (collectively, the “Reviewing Parties”), as well as any of their respective family and household members, are eligible to participate in the Envolve Award Programs Competitions. Agents may not apply on behalf of Envolve Award Applicants.

5.a.vii. Individual and Team Entry:

Applicants may enter the Award Programs Competitions only once per application cycle, either as individuals or as part of a team. If entering as a team, the team must appoint one individual as the team leader and main contact. The team’s entry form must list all individuals of the Principal Team. An Envolve Award Applicant who submits an application on behalf of an existing business entity represents and warrants he or she has requisite authority to act on behalf of such entity.


The Envolve Award Program Evaluation Team and Judges, in considering applications, will be looking for Applicants who can show:

(a) Innovation;
(b) Job creation in the Target Communities of the respective Envolve Award Program of their participation;
(c) Sustainability of the business;
(d) Financial prudence;

Where one or more Applicants apply with the same or similar business idea the respective Envolve Award Program Evaluation Team and Judges will declare the Applicants who best satisfy all the criteria, such judgment being at the absolute discretion of the Envolve Award Program Judges.


Envolve Award U.S.A:
The Envolve Award U.S.A. opened for applications during Summer 2018.

The deadline for the application submission period (including business plans and all requisite information) ) was in September 2018 (the “Application Submission Deadline” and such time period, the “Application Submission Period”). Partially completed applications were not accepted.

Envolve Award U.S.A. Finalists & Winners were announced in Summer 2019.

Dates may be varied at the discretion of the Envolve Award Program.

Envolve Award Greece:
Envolve Award Greece 2022 was launched and opened for applications.

The applications (including business plans and all requisite information) must be submitted by 14:00 local time on Thursday, 17 March 2022 (the “Application Submission Deadline” and such time period, the “Application Submission Period”). Partially completed applications will not be accepted.

Applications will be considered, and the short list of the Envolve Award Greece Finalists will be announced during May 2022 and Winners during June 2022.

These dates may be varied at the discretion of the Envolve Award Program.


Envolve Award Program Applicants should fully complete their personal profile information and Envolve Award Program Application and successfully submit their Envolve Award Program Application before the Application Submission Deadline.

Review of applications will occur over three rounds:
First Round: the Envolve Evaluation Team will select applications with respect to each Target Community from the application forms submitted during the Application Submission Period. Such selections shall be made in the sole and absolute discretion of Envolve Evaluation Team.

Second Round: the Envolve Evaluation Team will forward selected applications for each Target Community for the Judges’ review. Each Envolve Award program has a distinguished panel of Judges for each Target Community. Envolve shall be entitled to conduct background checks on Envolve Award Applicants selected for the second round and may contact third parties for additional information on the Applicants. The Envolve Evaluation Team may contact Applicants for additional information, clarifications, pitching videos and may request one or more interviews either live, via telephone, Skype, video conference etc.

Third Round: From the second round’s pool of Envolve Award Applicants, the Judges will review the application forms and the additional information the Envolve Award Applicants has shared with Envolve Evaluation Team during the First and Second Evaluation Rounds, in order to declare the finalists and winners for each Envolve Award program. Envolve Award program may invite a small number of Envolve Award Applicants to participate in the third round, comprising a live “Pitch Event” corresponding to and held in one of the Target Communities. Envolve Award Applicants may not withdraw their applications once notified they have reached the third round.

In order to progress to the third round, selected Envolve Award Applicants must commit to personally attend the third round ceremonies for their respective Target Communities and execute a Photo License Agreement, granting the Reviewing Parties the right to use the Envolve Award Recipients’ photographs and images for promotional purposes.

Envolve Award U.S.A. and Envolve Award Greece will select Applicants to advance to each stage of the competition in their sole discretion and Envolve Award U.S.A., as well as Envolve Award Greece, may not select any Envolve Award Applicants to advance to any stage of the competition, and may reject any and all Applicants in their sole discretion. Envolve may conduct the competition as Envolve may determine in its sole discretion.

The Judges, in their sole and absolute discretion, shall present the award to winner(s) for each Target Community, who shall be selected from among the evaluations and/or presentations made during the third round of the Competition. All decisions of the Judges are final.

Envolve Award U.S.A. and Envolve Award Greece may not select any Envolve Award Applicant to be granted an Award, and may reject any and all Envolve Award Applicants in its sole discretion.


The Envolve Award Program Prize will be disbursed to Envolve Award Program Recipients in the form of an interest-free loan or grant, 6 months – 1 year access to mentorship through our network of mentors, and provision of a wide range of business support services through Envolve Award Programs’ network of supporters.

Specifically, for each Envolve Award Program (each prize, the “Envolve Award Program Prize”):

Envolve Award U.S.A.:
Each Envolve Award U.S.A. Target Community will declare up to 20* winners who will receive:

– Up to US $25,000* in small grants for each award winner.

– 6 months – 1 year access to mentorship through Envolve network.

– At least 6 months – 1 year provision of business support services through Envolve Award U.S.A. Supporters.

*The number of winners and amount granted to any Applicant shall be entirely at the Envolve Award U.S.A. program discretion and shall be subject to the terms of a funding agreement to be entered into between the winning Envolve Award Applicant and the Funding Entity.

The amount granted to any Applicant shall be entirely at the Envolve Award U.S.A. program discretion and shall be subject to the terms of a funding agreement to be entered into between the winning Envolve Award Applicant and the Funding Entity.

Envolve Award Greece:

Envolve Award Greece winners will receive:

–  Up to €50,000 interest-free funding.

– One-year access to mentorship through Envolve’s  network.

– At least one-year provision of business support services through Envolve Award Greece Supporters.

The amount granted to any Applicant shall be entirely at the Envolve Award Greece program discretion and shall be subject to the terms of a funding agreement to be entered between the winning Applicant and the Funding Entity.


Each Award Program Recipient (aka “Envolve Award Winner”) will be required to execute various binding agreements with the Funding Entity relating to the Award, including, without limitation, (i) an Award Agreement, and (ii) a Promissory Note that shall establish, among other things, the terms and conditions under which the Envolve Award Winner will be required to repay to the Funding Entity the principal amount corresponding to the Award. The exact terms of the agreement will depend on the nature and form of the Envolve Award Applicant’s business, but will be designed to provide reasonable Funding Entity protections. In general, terms will include: drawdown in tranches (according to the needs of the business as set out in the business plan provided by the Applicant) over a one year period; repayment period not exceeding five years from first drawdown; funds will be provided interest-free; defined business purposes of the funding to be provided; financial and other reporting requirements; security requirements (limited to the assets of the business not the assets of the Principal Team) and recipient default provisions. Award winners should consult their own tax advisors with respect to any potential tax obligations relating to the Award Prize Funding.


All business plans, spreadsheets, forecasts, papers and other documents submitted by Envolve Award Users must be the property of the Envolve Award User and not infringe the copyright or other intellectual property rights of any third party.

Envolve Apps Platform Users’ information is used for Envolve communication purposes and shall not share personal contact information and business material with third parties.

Throughout entire Envolve Apps platform all Users’ personal information, spreadsheets, forecasts, business plan and other documents are hosted in a secure environment.

By entering into the Envolve Awards Program, Envolve Award Users and Envolve Applicants acknowledge that documents and information provided to the Award Program Evaluation Team and Judges will be used in considering applications, but the Reviewing Parties shall not divulge to any person, firm or corporation or otherwise make use of any confidential information for its own business purposes. This restriction shall not apply to information that is in the public domain. Nothing in this clause shall apply to information that Envolve Reviewing Parties are required to disclose by law.

Each Envolve Award Applicant hereby grants access to his or her application materials to the Reviewing Parties. Envolve offers no guarantee of confidentiality, either explicit or implicit, in connection with any data or information presented or discussed by Envolve Award Applicants. The Envolve Reviewing Parties will not sign non-disclosure agreements in connection with any application materials.

Envolve Award Programs Applicants and Envolve Users will retain all intellectual property rights to the contents of their submission, provided that the Envolve Reviewing Parties may make photocopies, photographs, and video and/or audio recordings of any data or information divulged, presented, or discussed by any Envolve Award Applicant throughout that Applicant’s participation in the Envolve Award U.S.A. or the Envolve Award Greece. By submitting an application, Envolve Award Applicants hereby grant the Reviewing Parties the right and license to use such materials and to conduct such due diligence as the Envolve Reviewing Parties determine is necessary or desirable for purposes of evaluating the Envolve Award Applicants’ application and carrying out the Envolve Award U.S.A. or the Envolve Award Greece as described herein.


Envolve will have the right to publicly post certain information about Envolve Award Programs’ shortlisted Applicants and their applications on the public areas of the Reviewing Parties’ websites, including, but not limited to, name and category of business, logo, and an abstract, which has been approved by each Envolve Award  Applicant at this stage.

The names and a brief description of the business proposal of Envolve Award Programs Applicants who are shortlisted for consideration for an Award will be posted on Envolve website.

In addition, Envolve Award Programs winners will be requested to participate in post award publicity arranged by the Envolve to promote Envolve and Envolve Award Programs, its aims and purposes. Envolve reserves the right to use the names of Applicants and a brief description of the Envolve Award Programs Applicants’ business for these purposes, but all other arrangements will be subject to Envolve Award Programs winning Applicants’ consent.


By registering as Envolve Users and Submitting an Envolve Award Programs Application, Users and Envolve Award Applicants represent and warrant that:

8.a. The information included in their personal account, business plan and application is true and accurate.

8.b. Envolve takes no responsibility for any arrangements between Applicants and third parties.

8.c. Envolve Users and Envolve Award Applicants may only include their own original work in support of their respective business plans and applications. All Envolve Users and Envolve Award Applicants represent and warrant that the ideas and materials contained in the application do not and will not infringe upon the rights, including privacy and intellectual property rights, of any third party, and do not and shall not otherwise violate any copyright, trademark or other applicable law. To the extent that any materials submitted incorporates any third party copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property rights, Envolve User and Envolve Award Applicant represents and warrants that all necessary licenses, permissions and clearances for their use have been obtained.

8.d. Envolve Users and Envolve Award Applicants agree to be bound by the Envolve Terms and Conditions and Envolve Award Programs Rules as they may be amended by Envolve, in its sole and absolute discretion, from time to time. Receipt of an Envolve Award is contingent upon Envolve Award Recipient (aka “Envolve Award Winner”) satisfying all requirements set forth in these Envolve Award Programs Rules and documents and agreements referenced herein. By submitting an application, an Envolve Award Applicant also agrees to release, discharge, indemnify and hold harmless Envolve and each of the other Reviewing Parties and each of their respective officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives, from and against any claims, expenses, damages or liability due to any injuries, damages or losses to any person or property of any kind, including but not limited to invasion of privacy, defamation, slander, libel, violation of right of publicity, infringement of trademark, copyright or other intellectual property rights, property damage, or personal injury, resulting in whole or in part, directly or indirectly from (a) downloading materials or the submission of an application (and any related materials) to the Envolve Award U.S.A. or the Envolve Award Greece or the contents thereof, (b) acceptance of any Award or participation in the Competition or any Competition-related activity (including any travel or activity related thereto), or (c) the broadcast, transmission, performance or use of any an Envolve Award Applicant’s image, business ideas and any submissions relating to the application or the Competition. Each Envolve Award Applicant and Envolve User hereby releases Envolve and each Reviewing Parties from any injuries, damages or losses suffered or allegedly suffered by Envolve User and Envolve Award Applicant as a result of any malfunction or other problem with the Envolve website and/or Envolve Apps platform, any error in the collection or retention of information submitted by the Envolve User and Envolve Award Applicant and/or any error or omission made in the printing, offering, broadcast or announcement made in connection with the application process, the Competition or the actual grant of an Award.

8.e. No member, officer, director, employee or shareholder of the Envolve Award  Applicant has a business or close family (parent, sibling, spouse, partner or significant other) relationship with any officer, member, director or senior management person of any Reviewing Party.

8.f. Each Envolve Award Applicant acknowledges and agrees that the Envolve Award U.S.A. and the Envolve Award Greece will select Envolve Award Applicants to advance to each stage of the competition in its sole discretion and that both Envolve Award U.S.A. and Envolve Award Greece may not select any Applicant to advance to any stage of the competition or to be granted an Award and may reject any and all Envolve Award Applicants in its sole discretion. The Envolve Award Applicant acknowledges and agrees that Envolve Award U.S.A. and Envolve Award Greece may conduct the competition as Envolve Award U.S.A. and Envolve Award Greece may determine in their sole discretion.

8.g. Envolve User and Envolve Award Applicant may not reproduce or sell Envolve information, Resources, Tools and educational material without the prior written consent of Envolve.

9. Other Conditions

9.a. Envolve Award Applicants risk disqualification if they or someone on their behalf communicates or attempts to communicate with any Envolve Reviewing Party (other than submitting applications and providing further data or information as requested) in an attempt to influence the results of the Envolve Award U.S.A. or the Envolve Award Greece. Furthermore, Envolve Award Applicants will be disqualified immediately upon any indication of (and will indemnify and hold the Reviewing Parties harmless against any claims relating to) (i) fraud, embezzlement or theft, (ii) willful misconduct, (iii) intentional violation of any law or regulation, (iv) any unauthorized disclosure of any trade secret or confidential information, or (v) charges of felony or any misdemeanor involving moral turpitude.

9.b. Envolve reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to amend the Terms and Conditions as well as Envolve Award Programs Rules from time to time and to cancel, terminate or modify the application process, the Competition, other Envolve Tools and Resources and the requirements for granting an Award, in each case without providing prior notice.

9.c. Envolve accepts no responsibility for costs incurred by Envolve Users and Envolve Award Applicants in using Envolve Resources and Tools and submitting an application to the Envolve Award Programs.

9.d. Envolve does not discriminate against any Envolve User and Envolve Award Applicant on the basis of race, color, creed, ethnicity, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender expression, military status or marital status.

9.e. Envolve Website and Envolve Apps Platform are open and free for all Users and Envolve Award Applicants. Envolve will not request at any time for monetary contribution in order to have access to Envolve platform, educational material, resources and Envolve Award Programs.

9.f. Envolve Award Applicants hereby consent to Envolve performing background checks on the Envolve Award Applicant and its principals.


The Envolve Award U.S.A. and Envolve Award Greece may, at their sole and absolute discretion, waive any term or condition herein. Such waiver will not be deemed a waiver of any other term or condition, whether similar or different. If any term or condition herein is deemed invalid or unenforceable, that provision will be construed, limited, modified or, if necessary, severed, to the extent necessary to eliminate its invalidity or unenforceability, and the other provisions will remain in full force and effect.


Envolve Users and Envolve Award Applicants are responsible for complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations relating to the Award Programs Competitions and all other matters contemplated by these Terms and Conditions and Envolve Award Programs Rules. The Envolve Terms and Condition as well as Envolve Award U.S.A. Rules and the matters contemplated herein shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law provisions that would cause the application of any other state’s laws. Any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with these Envolve Terms and Conditions and Envolve Award U.S.A. Rules, the Envolve Award U.S.A. application, the U.S.A. Competition, the Envolve or any other matter relating thereto, shall be resolved exclusively by the state and federal courts located in New York, New York.

Envolve Award Greece Rules and the matters contemplated in the context of Envolve operations in Greece shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Greek law. Any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with these Envolve Award Greece Rules, the Envolve Award Greece Application, the Greek Competition, the Envolve operations in Greece or any other matter relating thereto, shall be resolved exclusively by the courts located in Athens, Greece.