Intracom Telecom is a global telecommunication systems and solutions vendor operating for over 35 years in the market. The company innovates in the areas of small-cell backhaul, wireless transmission and broadband wireless access. Moreover, Intracom Telecom offers a competitive portfolio of revenue-generating telco software solutions and a complete range of ICT services, focusing on big data analytics, converged networking and cloud computing for operators and private, public and government clouds. The company invests significantly in R&D developing cutting-edge products and integrated solutions. Over 100 customers in more than 70 countries choose Intracom Telecom for its state-of-the-art technology. The company operates subsidiaries in Europe, Russia and the CIS, the Middle East and Africa, Asia and North America.

Intracom Telecom offered their generous support to HEA winners and continues to support Envolve Greece Award, through the provision of pro-bono consulting and training on design and manufacturing, as well as ICT solutions and advice.

About Intracom Telecom: