Startup Survival in Times of Crisis Free Course
Monday, March 23, 2020
Startup Survival in Times of Crisis is a FREE mini-course n how you can develop a strategy for survival. Over three modules you will learn how to apply the Startup Survivability Canvas to up the odds on your startup survival.
The FREE online program is for startup leaders, ecosystem builders and anyone trying to lead startups and startup ecosystems through the COVID-19 crisis.
This online program is designed for startups, scaleups, founders and boards of any early-stage company.
This program is also designed for accelerators, incubators, innovation clusters, national innovation agencies, banks (at least, the startup friendly banks out there) and anyone supporting early-stage startups and young growth companies.
The program is also highly relevant for investors of all types, from angel clubs, super angels, VC firms and family offices.
Learn how you can lead your startup through crises