4 signs your side hustle is a waste of time

If you don’t have $700 to update your website, your side hustle is not a legit hustle yet. You’re caught in hobby-land.

Because it’s the dough that makes the difference.

Here are some signs your side hustle might be a more wasteful than worthy use of your after-work hours:

  1. You’re not making enough money.

  2. You’re not consistent.

  3. You’re not willing to put yourself out there.

  4. You like the sound of entrepreneurship but you’re not really solving a problem.

There are a million ways to make money — but just dreaming of handing in your resignation letter and setting up your work station in a scene-y cafe isn’t one of them. It’s about solving problems for other people in an ongoing way.

Click below to read the full article by Susie Moore for Business Insider.


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